Sunday, January 8, 2012

Adventures in the Real World

In the last month or so a whole lotta newness has come my way.
  • I graduated.
    • I have been known to be a nerd from time to time and my sadness over being done learning (for the time being) further instills the title I proudly wear. I am sad to leave the dog. I am sad to leave my 3  roommates, we had us some fun. I am sad to leave the life of a college student. I am sad to have to grow up and be an adult. But I feel ready for my next life adventure, maybe I'm not traveling to foreign countries, maybe I'm not hitting up all the social scenes, but sometimes walking into the unknown can be equally as thrilling.
  • I got a boyfriend.
    •   After 22 years of my life I finally found someone who was worth my time. I have always been a little slow in my development in regard to relationships. My first kiss was when I was 19, I rarely if ever went on dates, and I am now 22 and have my first boyfriend. Most kids get through with that stage of life before they can properly see over a steering wheel but I always knew what I wanted and saw dating people without those qualities as a waste of time. Waiting for what I wanted was worth the wait and its better than I even knew. 
  • I got a big kids job. 
    • Somehow the stars aligned right when I wanted them to. I was served an ideal job on a silver platter. I work full time as a paraprofessional in the behavior unit at an elementary school. I just completed my first week and already have a handful of stories to tell. Basically my job is being a teacher for the naughty kids that have been kicked out of their schools or classrooms. Each one of them has such distinct little personality you can't help but love them.When they punch kids in the face and try to convince you it was a joke, make you chase them down so they don't bolt from the school property,  scream, spit, cry, cuss at you, and throw shoes at you I somehow still walk away with a little grin on my face. Not only do I love them but they still love me and give me hugs at the end of the day even when I have to yell at them to get back in line, take away their points, break up fights,make them sit in corners, and watch them cry with an exasperated look in my eye. It is definitely a hard job that requires a whole lot of patience but I have loved just about everyminute
Life seems to be just getting better and better, I can't wait to see what's next


Natalie said...

so happy that life is treating you well :)
p.s. I'm going to Logan on Jan 22-24th.
Come up and visit!!

Nancy said...

I loved reading the little low down on my favorite little Ry Ry! It seems so so recently that I was feeling a little sad leaving college life behind because I really really loved it . . . and, like you, it was the actual learning and classes and environment of nerdiness that I missed being a part of. How can it be that it is now my tiny little niece leaving it behind?? I am very happy though that those darn little trouble makers have you to reprimand them and still be able to shake your head and laugh and like them. I love you.

Mr.Mrs.Pack. said...

I'm so happy for you! You are so amazing and deserve every bit of happiness! :) Good luck with the new job/career and everything else in life!